Oakville Ballet consists of classically trained ballet dancers over the age of 12 pooled from the Oakville School of Classical Ballet (OSCB). The majority of the dancers are enrolled in the school’s Professional and Company Training Program, supplemented by select guest artists and OSCB alumni. Dancers are accepted into the company through an audition process and progress through roles that parallel their training, culminating in soloist or pas de deux opportunities.

Noah Becks-D'Souza
Age 14.

Annie Bernier
Age 15.

Zoë Carbone
Age 15.

Alayna Colangelo
Age 16.

Hannah Desousa Hayward
Age 13.

Stephanie Kershaw
Age 19.

Zoë Kirby
Age 16.

Rachel Mortensen
Age 14.

Camille Rene-Waterhouse
Age 15.

Morgan Sinden
Age 14.

Raven Sommerhalder
Age 15.

Leah Terry
Age 16.

Aiyana Ruel
Age 16.
Professional guest dancers are an invaluable resource for our students, providing them with crucial advice and mentorship, elevating their performance level and introducing them to the realities of dancing at the very highest level of ballet.