Oakville Ballet will premiere The Kingdom of the Shades excerpt of La Bayadère, and Paquita – Grand Pas Classique as the inaugural performances on September 16 and 17, 2016. These performance have been made possible by the participation and support of the Bytzek Family of Oakville.
Combining two of the most iconic classical ballets as its premiere performance, Oakville Ballet endeavors to share with the audience the technical ability, physical athleticism and joyous determination of the young dancers.
The program commences with La Bayadère, Kingdom of the Shades (1877), choreographed by Marius Petipa. Petipa is considered to be the ‘father’ of classical ballet and this particular scene is one of the most celebrated excerpts in all of classical ballet. In Act II, the Company will perform Petipa’s version of Paquita – Grand Pas Classique (1896), revised for the Imperial Ballet of St. Petersburg, and this version includes the famous grand pas de deux.
Judith Yan, will lead the Oakville Ballet orchestra in the two-act ballet, set to the strong rhythmical scores of Ludwig Minkus.
Choreography: Amanda Paterson After Marius Petipa
Music: Ludwig Minkus